Rental apartment in Tali
Close to enchanting nature
Most of SATO's Pitäjänmäki rental apartments are located in Tali. There are so many things to see and do in Tali that you will certainly not get bored living there.
In Tali you will not hear noise apart from birds singing and golfers going “Fore!” Part of the Pitäjänmäki district, Tali is located in Western Helsinki. A direct bus from the centre of Helsinki will take you to Tali, an area with plenty of nature and opportunities for physical activity, which is also appreciated by residents because of its peaceful location. You could go bouncing in the trampoline park or enjoy the produce of your own allotment garden – there are many sides to Tali!
1. Spot Jupiter on Talinhuippu hill
There are paths for walks and runs criss-crossing all over Tali. What makes hikes particularly nice around here is that you can also spot planets while at it. Completed in 1992, the Sun of the model of our Solar System is located in Pajamäki, and the eight planets are dotted around the border between Helsinki and Espoo at proportionally correct distances from each other. Because there is no official map of this model Solar System, it will take a bit of effort and a nice packed lunch in your rucksack to find the celestial objects.
A good place to begin is Jupiter, which can be found right behind fairway 3 of the disc golf course of Talin Tallaajat ry on Talinhuippu hill.
2. Talin Golfklubilla isketään avauslyönti keskelle väylää
Vuonna 1932 perustetun Helsingin Golfklubin hallinnoima Talin kenttä on Suomen vanhin golfkenttä. Se on avoin sekä jäsenille että vieraspelaajille. Golfia voi pelata kuka vain vauvasta vaariin – ja mummoon. Kesäperjantaisin klubilla on avoimet ovet, jolloin ensikertalaiset voivat pelata ilmaiseksi kauniissa ympäristössä.
Talin golfkenttä, Talin Puistotie 12
3. Oman maan antimia siirtolapuutarhasta
Talin siirtolapuutarha, Talinlehto, on yksi Suomen vanhimpia siirtolapuutarhoja ja sitä hallinnoi Talin Siirtolapuutarhayhdistys ry. Talinlehdossa on kesäisin järjestetty monia avoimia tapahtumia kuten juhannus- ja lavatansseja.
Talinlehdossa on sata 16–34-neliöistä siirtolapuutarhapalstaa, joiden viljelijöistä vaihtuu vuodessa noin kymmenkunta. Palstat vuokrataan Siirtolapuutarhayhdistyksen jäsenille. Kesällä palstan saa hoitoonsa 22–32 eurolla. Siirtolapuutarha on hauskaa ajanvietettä, jossa tapaa mukavaa porukkaa.
Talin siirtolapuutarha, Talin puistotie
4. Kirjastoautossa on tunnelmaa
Kirjastoautossa hoituvat kaikki kirjaston peruspalvelut, jotka hoituvat perinteisessä kirjastossakin. Yleisintä on lainaus ja varausten noutaminen, mutta kirjastoautosta voi myös hakea itselleen kirjastokortin, jos sellaista ei vielä ole.
Kirjastoauto pakataan kahdesti päivässä. Autossa on mukana noin 3 500 nidettä ja Pasilan varastossa roppakaupalla lisää.
Lastenkirjastoauto Skidi, Taimistontie 11:ssä ke 16.05–16.35, Taiteentekijäntie 7:ssä ke 18.00–18.45
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Would you like to be the first resident in your home? Are you dreaming about fresh surface materials and timeless style? Take a look at our new and upgraded rental homes.
5. Bouncy fun at trampoline park
At Rush Helsinki Trampoline Park there is no end to bouncing fun. Opened in spring 2016, this indoor activity centre enables you to dunk high, have a go at lots of different trampolines, do air bag stunt falls or have a game of extreme dodgeball.
The facilities will get your sweat flowing while putting a smile on your face. At Rush Helsinki you can have fun while improving your coordination and control. The park also organises group sessions that are becoming increasingly popular.
Rush Helsinki Trampoline Park, Valimotie 25
6. Sweat, sweat and more sweat at Talihalli Centre
The Talihalli Badminton and Squash Centre is where competitors train but where everyone else can also for fun getting fit without extreme aims. In addition to playing squash, courts can also be booked for badminton at the centre.
The HBC badminton club holds a sports club for local school kids every day from 13:30 to 16:00. This is in response to the local government cuts in pupils’ afternoon club activities. To join, all you need to do is register as you do not need to be a member of HBC.
Things you didn’t know: A great deal of the buildings in the Kutomotie street area of Tali were constructed for SATO, including two very special ones: the Kutomotie 10a property that used to be the office and technical premises of a telephone company and the old weave mill at Kutomotie 14a (linkit talojen sivuille) – both of which are now full of SATO RentHomes with a lot of character!
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