From Hannus to Finnoo – SATO’s newest rental apartments to be completed near the seaside

13 May 2024

Espoo’s Finnoo is transforming from a row house suburb into a sustainable urban environment as the area’s first SATO block houses are completed this autumn. The rental homes at Peijinkuja 6 and 10 have been designed with a focus on energy efficiency and adaptability.

Previously known as Hannus and Suomenoja, Finnoo is situated between Länsiväylä and the sea in Espoo. The area already accommodates about a thousand residents, with homes for approximately two thousand more currently under construction. SATO’s new rental homes at Peijinkuja 6 will be completed in September 2024. The row houses that previously stood on the plot have been demolished, making way for 136 new apartment homes.

“Peijinkuja homes are the result of a long and interesting development process,” says Arto Aalto, SATO’s Executive Vice President responsible for investments. “We drafted the plan for the old row house area together with the City of Espoo, and from the planning stage, we focused on the buildings’ energy efficiency, durable construction solutions, and adaptability.”

Some of the studio apartments at Peijinkuja have had concrete walls replaced with lightweight partition walls, allowing the homes to be combined into larger rental apartments if the demand for larger units increases.

“In addition to our own excitement about these homes’ features, we believe they will also appeal to residents. The buildings’ A energy rating and excellent location near the metro station and about a kilometre from the seashore make these SATOhomes attractive to a diverse range of customers”, Aalto enthuses. “And car owners haven’t been forgotten either: from the staircase, you can take a lift directly to the parking facility, where all parking spaces are equipped with electric vehicle charging stations.”

The homes at Peijinkuja 6 will be ready for move-in starting from 1 September and 1 October. The neighbouring building, Peijinkuja 10, with its 120 SATOhomes, will be completed closer to the end of the year.

Image: ARCO Architecture Company

“New construction has slowed down significantly, and SATO hasn’t initiated any new construction projects since the decision made in October 2022”, Aalto concludes. “For those searching for a home, it’s now important to consider whether they want to be the first resident in their home, as new apartments may not be available for a while. This could be a compelling reason to explore the new SATOhomes in Finnoo.”

View the upcoming rental homes at Peijinkuja ›

Watch the City of Espoo’s Finnoo visualisation video on YouTube ›

For more information, please contact:

Arto Aalto, Executive Vice President, Investments, SATO Corporation

p. +358 201 34 4392,